All I can say is that this site is the very first site I was paid and this started my venture of getting to know more about money making schemes online. It is not a get rich quick program. You will be paid by participating on every discussions and you can post your own topic as well. I may not tell you in details about its do's and dont's in the forum. If you are interested then just come and visit the site and see it for yourself. They pay via Paypal and you can select the settings if you wanted to aim for higher amount of threshold. But the minimum payout is $10. They pay on or before 15th of next month. For example your work for the whole month of June, will be paid on or before next month of July. And Mylot has been constant in paying it's members. It has been a steady and on going site for years and you can depend on it. However I hope the Admin has got to do something about the trolls spreading and destroying the image of the site.
Here's a sample payment : Click to view bigger
Here's a sample payment : Click to view bigger
1. Dedication - Time is important. Better to devote more time if you really are serious on getting paid on a monthly basis. Don't just take the word of members who says, i don't earn from Mylot monthly, the site pays too little. It will never grow when you give up early. No one will ever see tree to bear fruit over 24 hours. Patience is a virtue. Even if you earn a little for a day, as long as it is everyday, you gather that small amount and it will be big before you know it.
2. Participate on Discussions - Mylot already told us about this. The more you participate, not a spam ok, it has to be a good conversation posted so that you will be credited. Construct 4 to 5 sentences and it will be just fine. One liner will always be deleted.
3. Post your own topic - This concerns me a lot. I have caught such a member who keeps on posting topics that he copy pasted from another forum and social website. We already know that plagiarism is a crime, so please, drop the idea of doing such because you will be caught red handed. If not by Mylot Admin, it will be the members who would see report you from doing such. Again going back to the topic of posting your own topic, be sure that it will be interesting, not limited such as all International members would be able to participate. A good topic can be every thing, but not redundant or someone already posted it. Research if the topic has been posted already, since you will surely have divided respondents to answer your post. Always put a picture with regards to your topic, this is also an added bonus point for you.
4. Reply back to respondents- You posted a topic, so be able to handle it well by conversing or interacting to members. Give your Best Response to those who really deserve. But please, give more time or days for other members to answer. If you selected already your Best Response after 3 hours time only, then others will no longer be interested to join. Give at least one week before you give out who is the best answer for your topic.
5. Give Mylot Task a Try- Now this was for added bonus. If you are sure you can manage to write an article, or sign up or do whatever the Task Master wants, then it will be added to your account. Although before I used to participate on such Task. Now I cannot since most tasks given were not for me. But this is good for newbie, so make it a point to participate.
6. Invite a friend to Join you- This will be your referral. It will be additional credit to you once they sign up and participate. You will be given a portion of what they earn. So the more friends who are actively participating on Mylot, the better your chances to reach the payout sooner.